Monday 5 May 2014


Sheila's gryffindor
Things have been a bit quiet on the craft front this year

Never fear, Sheila's needles are still busy and she has been creating some real gems. One very lucky boy received this gryffindor scarf and I believe he was very excited and couldn't wait to wear it to school the next day. He is really really into Harry Potter.

I remember that feeling, being incredibly excited about wearing something very special to school. When I was about 5, mum made me some grey corduroy dungarees with a donald duck patch on the pocket and I got to stand up in front of the class so they could admire them. That was a very good day.

I still haven't got in to the whole Harry Potter thing, though I am told it is never too late. I would be a Ravenclaw I think (blue and silver).