Saturday 13 April 2013

Made with Love

A small selection of Sheila's homemade dish cloths
The best thing about hand made things is that they endure.

For years we have been receiving these wonderful hand-crocheted and hand-knitted cotton cloths for Easters and Christmases and birthdays and sometimes for no particular occasion other than it being a good day for a new dish cloth. They are neatly folded and bundled, often tied up in ribbon or wrapped in tissue paper and come courtesy of Sheila, the snowman knitter

They are by far and away the best dish cloths I have ever used. I try not to do much dish washing so my cumulative dish washing experience over the years is perhaps not as vast as it could have been, but nevertheless I can spot a good dish cloth. They are also by far and away the best flannels/body scrubbers that I have ever used. I have been more consistent in body scrubbing than dish washing (because it isn't a task that can be easily shirked and left to someone else) so I speak with more authority in that department.

The qualities that I admire are:
1. The cotton is super absorbant (especially good for mopping up spillages)
2. The ridges in the patterns are especially good for scrubbing at persistent stains and dirty crevices (pots not bodies...)
3. The same ridges give an invigorated tingle when used as a face cloth, which is enough to set one up for the day
4. They wash well and when they are supplanted by a new batch they can eventually be relegated to floor cloths (I always feel a bit sad in that phase of their lifespan), however they can still last a very long time as they NEVER fall apart in the wash, being so well made.
5. They look pretty
6. They are made with love and I have it on good authority that it is the 10th form of energy (not mentioned in most physics text books).