Friday 24 August 2012

Bad Hair Day Lady

Hedley goes domestic
Spot the difference: Crotchety versus Squirelly
Although I try to leave out any personal identifiers in these ramblings, if Cathycoo is having a bad day you may well recognise her from this picture. Do not approach her when she looks like this as it probably means she is under duress and she is liable to shake her rolling pin at you. The 3 year old artist may well be responsible not only for the portrait, but also for the harried and turbulent state of mind of Bad Hair Day Lady. 

Fabric: More from the Maureen stash so probably from the 1970s
Machine embroidered with cotton from the Maureen stash (Woolworths!) so probably from the 1960s


Anonymous said...

Cathycoo has just had a whole week of those days, courtest of the 3 year old artist. But the apron always cheers her up.

Thimble said...

Poor lady. I have a little home-made something for Trouble, all boxed up and ready post.